Special Notice!
If you think there's an important matter that you'd like to bring to our general attention, please tell us about it and we'll post it here, completely free of any charge or fee. Of course, this is purely at the discretion of the site's manager.

We'd like to hear from you!
Just email the editor@angloindian.chapmanhilton.com with your name, address, and c.v.
Send us your articles relevant to Anglo-Indians in general and the ones in Rajasthan in particular and we'll post them here!

List of enquiries
(Reverse chronological order)
1. 2013-Dec-30 Sid Reddy (Durban, S.Africa) is looking for Everetts, McMahons, Peacocks
2. 2015-Jun-28 Douglas Hodges (US(??)) is looking for Yvette (née) Claudius
3. 2015-Nov-02 Vivek Atodaria (Singapore(??)) is looking for the Benjamins of Alwar
4. 2015-Dec-26 Chandrika Dasgupta (India(??)) is looking for the Everetts of Jaipur

Details for Enquiry #3
2015-Nov-02 Vivek Atodaria (Singapore(??)) is looking for the Benjamins of Alwar
Dear Mrs Castellas,
Good morning - I am wondering if I can get some details of a family - Benjamin based in Alwar who used to run the St. Mark's School in the 70s?
They had 2 sons and 1 daughter - named Sammy ( Samuel), Emmy (Emmanuel) and Elizabeth.
The patriarch of the family was universally known as "Bade sir".
Thanks in advance for trying to help.
Best Regards,
Vivek Atodaria
Font-name: Patrick Hand.                 Courtesy: Google Fonts.

If you have any information relevant to the enquiry posted above, please, please, do write in to the editor at the email address given below.
Alright, folks! Let's have your inputs on the enquiry!

We'll keep you updated! Stay tuned!

Want to say something? Just do it...here!
NB - whatever you type here will be posted (after moderation) as near verbatim as possible. So please be wary about mentioning contact details and similar sensitive issues. We care for your privacy!
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H. Chapman

Martin S. Gillespie
(requiescat… July 12th, 2015)

If you have a site (and you're an Anglo-Indian) just send us your website's address and we'll include it right here!
No charges! ... but at the discretion of this site's manager!

All contents (textual and photographic) are copyright and may not be used publicly without the express permission of the owners of said copyright.
Phew! Boy, was that tough to say... but say it we did (mainly at the urging of our legal advisor!) and that's done with.
The statement of copyright is necessarily necessary and we do hope you honour and respect the copyright. All of the material on this website is of great sentimental and emotional value to their respective owners; and we sure do appreciate your cooperation in respecting their ownership privileges. Just because a photograph's been posted on the 'Net does not mean that it can be trivialised by indiscriminate copying! The same goes for the textual matter on this site. So, please, do drop us a line before you lift any material from this site.
Contact: me@angloindian.chapmanhilton.com
Jaipur, April 15, 2013


Mrs. T. R. Castellas

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